The Core ensures a comprehensive education that is...
The core curriculum helps you discover the breadth and complexity of creation and seeks to help you integrate faith and life.
The diverse nature of the core equips you with the skills needed for today’s ever-changing work environment.
Our core is not a smattering of random courses. The core is purposeful and bold and will help you think constructively and creatively in all your learning.
GodThe Triune God reveals himself in the created world. The Bible Core at Geneva College seeks to give students confidence in the Bible as God’s written, inerrant, inspired and authoritative special revelation, and ultimately in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 3 Courses
HumanityHumanity courses explore the purpose of human life which is to glorify and enjoy God as humans in Coram Deo. This requires a knowledge of self in light of one’s knowledge of God building upon the Christian intellectual tradition. 2 Courses
Community of LearnersStudents will gain an understanding of who they are within an institution of higher learning oriented by the Christian faith and structured around the liberal arts ideal. 1 Course
CosmosCosmos courses explore the nature of the physical and biological universe–from galaxies to oceans to human beings. As the creation of God, the universe serves to reveal God’s glory and attributes and is meant to be understood, appreciated, and stewarded by humankind. 3 Courses
SocietyBy nature, humans, made in the image of the Triune God, are social beings. Society courses explore the purpose and contours of human society, enabling students to understand and evaluate its varying forms. 2-3 Courses
Reason & RhetoricRhetoric and Reason courses prepare students for prudent and thoughtful engagement of culture and require facility with languages, written and oral. As individuals created in the image of God, students must learn to listen, speak, read, write and reason with wisdom, care, and integrity. 2 Courses
Cultural EngagementCultural engagement courses build on the other core areas to prepare students to engage in prudent care and responsible participation in culture and civic life. In keeping with the love of Christ and growth in wisdom, students develop an informed, thoughtful, caring, understanding of and approach to culture. 3 Courses
The Geneva College core provides the framework to promote growth in the student’s knowledge, s